The Humpback surfaces close to us, its broad back arching once again, then rolling downwards, showing its characteristic namesake hump-like dorsal fin until its tail fluke slowly lifts clear of the water. Water cascades off the tip as it sinks below the surface, leaving only the ripples of its fluke print.

Too big for a humpback whale?

Humpback whale fluke
Humpback whale fluke

Moments later, we get a call over the radio from one of our colleagues on a North Sailing vessel. Using binoculars, they spotted a blow some three and a half miles distant. It’s big, almost certainly too big for a Humpback. We look at each other, none of the crew want to say it… Could it be? Robert, the Captain, delicately eases us away from the newly surfaced Humpback. Once we are a safe distance away, Robert increases the throttle, and soon we are skipping across the chop at speed, heading towards where the whale’s blow was last seen. This is one of the big advantages of a RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat): we are fast and maneuverable and can close the three miles in a few minutes. Also, being low in the water, we are right where the action is!

The largest animal on our planet

Blue whale diving © Ales Mucha
Blue whale diving 

The tension mounts as we search the horizon of Iceland’s Skjálfandi Bay for our new whale… Everyone’s eyes are peeled, although we haven’t told the guests about our suspicion it’s clear from our faces that something is about to happen. No one speaks, everyone on board is staring seaward as I make my way to the bow. Although I have guided in other places for quite a while this is my first season in Húsavík. I am aware of everyone’s excitement as I continue to scan the horizon as the RIB comes to a stop. Nothing, not even the wind moves the surface of the ocean. A sense of disappointment starts to come over me, perhaps whatever it was has gone? This is always the risk of working with wild animals in their natural habitat. Then it happens……. The colossal mass of what can only be a Blue whale breaks the surface about 60 meters away. As it exhales hard a plume of CO2 and water vapor is thrown ten meters high in the air and hangs in a fine mist. As the whale inhales the sound of air rushing into its blowholes fills our ears. It’s almost inconceivable just how much air it sucks in, up to 5000 liters of clean fresh Icelandic air. That’s around 90% of their lung capacity. On average humans only exchange around 25-30%. After it exhales it starts it’s slow roll beneath the surface. The head dips and the back arches and submerges, rolling downwards for what seems like minutes until we finally see its characteristic tiny dorsal fin set well back towards the tail. Just like that the Blue whale is gone again, disappearing below the waves as if in an il

lusionist’s trick. Just a few ripples and some chattering Arctic Terns remain. Weighing up to 190 tonnes (equivalent to five double decker London buses) and reaching almost 30 meters it appears unreal how silently it has vanished.

Passion for whales in Húsavík

Blue whale close to our RIB
Blue whale close to our RIB

Passion for Whale Watching is Húsavík Adventures core value and sharing this sighting of a rare Blue Whale with excited guests is a humbling experience. 

After the initial excitement onboard I turn to see our guests sitting in wonderstruck silence, they should be, less than 1% of the planet has been lucky enough to see a Blue whale. The gentleman closest to me smiles and lifts his

open palm offering me a high five. The look on his face says it all, absolute awe. He beams as our hands clasp. His joy and emotion washes over me as our eyes meet and I find it hard to speak for a moment. This is why we love this job, this is why we are so passionate about Skjálfandi Bay and Húsavík. The reality of what we just witnessed sets in slowly as I start to explain to our guests about this amazing creature, the largest animal to have ever lived on Planet Earth.

Creating lifetime memories

Our speedy RIB Kjói
Our speedy RIB Kjói

The whale surfaces multiple times that afternoon as it feeds on its diet of plankton and Krill. Photos are taken, questions asked and a lifetime memory is made. Finally, with love and happiness in our hearts, we turn the bow towards home. 

Written by our new guide Austin Wainwright. Welcome to the team!

Hey there, whale-loving adventurers!

Guess who just touched down on Lundey Island? That’s right – the adorable puffins are back, and they’re ready to steal the show! Get ready to add a splash of color to your whale watching adventure because these little fellas have officially declared it puffin season!

Puffins are coming back! ©Álex_Cirera
Puffins are coming back! © Álex Cirera

Starting today, our tours will be making a beeline for Lundey Island to catch these feathered friends in action. Imagine the thrill of spotting majestic whales and catching a glimpse of these adorable puffins – what a show!

But hey, we’re not just here to chat about birds and whales (although they are pretty awesome). We’ve got a little treat for you, too! Don’t forget to use the exclusive promo code APRIL10RIB when booking your adventure through our website. That’s right – 10% off for tours booked until the end of April! Because why not add some savings to your bucket list adventures, right?

Now, let’s dive into some puffin trivia because who doesn’t love a fun fact or two?

Puffin at Lundey island © Iñaki
Puffin at Lundey island © Iñaki

Did you know that puffins are expert divers, plunging into the icy waters in search of their favorite snacks like sand eels and herring? Talk about living life on the edge!

And here’s another cool tidbit – puffins are known for their colorful beaks, which they shed after the breeding season, revealing a smaller, duller beak underneath.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your binoculars, dress in warm layers and join us for an unforgettable adventure filled with whales, puffins, and memories to last a lifetime. Book now and let’s make some waves together!

Húsavík Adventures team.

Hey, ocean lovers and thrill-seekers! Can you feel the wave of excitement crashing in? Because guess what? It’s that time of the year again – the spectacular season of whale watching is here, and we’re flipping our fins with excitement!

Húsavík our hometown
Húsavík our hometown

As the whales make their grand return to the spotlight, we’re gearing up for some serious whale-tastic adventures. From the comfort of our speed boats and coziness of our overalls to the thrill of spotting that first spout on the horizon, every moment promises to be an unforgettable splashdown.

But let’s not forget the real stars of the show – our magnificent marine friends! Each sighting is a reminder of the incredible wonders that lie beneath the waves. Whether you’re a seasoned whale watcher or a first-time fluke, there’s something truly magical about sharing the ocean with these magnificent creatures.

Humpback whales feeding ©Álex_Cirera
Humpback whales feeding ©Álex_Cirera

As we embark on this fantastic journey together, let’s remember to tread lightly, respect our marine friends, and soak in every moment of this wild and wonderful adventure. After all, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of a “whalecome back party” in the deep blue sea!

Let’s make a splash, folks! The whales are waiting, and the adventure of a lifetime awaits.

Remember to follow our adventures on Facebook and Instagram!

See you on the flip side!

Húsavík Adventures Team.